Sent Out Missionaries

The Lord has blessed our church with the ability to send out faithful men who will teach others also. We believe that it is the church's duty to start other churches who will be the pillar and the ground of truth. We have 3 sent out missionaries, 2 to the Philippines and 1 here in Cambodia. We pray that these churches will do likewise and train men and women who will then pass on the faithful doctrine of the Word of God.

Ptr. Nathan Peña

Ptr. Nathan and his wife, Sis. Sonia was sent out in the year 2019 under the authority of the Independent Baptist Church of Siem Reap. Together, they are reaching the people of Bahao, Camarines Sur in the Philippines with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. They are doing a tremedous and faithful job in fulfilling the calling the Lord has in their lives.

Ptr. Alex Santos

Ptr. Alex Santos together with his wife, Sis. Joymarie, and their son, Bro. Aljon is reaching the people of Apalit, Pampanga in the Philippines. Their family faithfully served the Lord here in Cambodia for nearly 15 years and the Lord has called them back to the Philippines to reach the people of their hometown. They were sent out in the year 2021. The Lord has been doing great work through the Santos family and though we know that great things are ahead for that ministry. To God be the glory!

Ptr. Joel Madlang-awa II

Bro. Joel II grew up here in Cambodia. He moved here with his family when he was 10 years old. Growing up in Cambodia, knowing the people, the culture, and the language, the Lord placed in his heart to serve in full-time ministry. He has been handling the work at Chansor Village outside of Siem Reap town proper for 6 years now together with his wife, Jahlil and their daughter, Jael. Through this ministry, there are now several young people who is serving the Lord and one of them is now a preacher. We pray that through this church, there will be more locals that will be saved and have a surrendered life to the Lord.