Online Conferences

The COVID pandemic presented challenges to ministries all over the world and it did affect ministries here in Cambodia as well. For an extended time, we weren't allowed to visit the villages where we minister to and we weren't allowed to gather in person. Though difficult challenges, the situation also presented new opportunities. We improved our online ministry for our worship services and Bro. Joel II also created a page called Everything Bible in order to share daily devotion primarily for the members of our church. This quickly became quite known by the Baptists in the Philippines and it quickly grew to more than 5000 followers.

We believe God provided this opportunity for us to reach even more people during the pandemic. In addition to the livestream services and the daily devotion, we had online Bible studies, doctrinal question and answer sessions, video podcasts discussing doctrine, and online conferences. We were able to conduct week-long conferences during this span of time. Scroll below to see more details of our online ministries.

The Biblical Couple

This conference focused on biblical marriage. We were blessed with faithful men of God who spoke at the conference. We had Ptr. Jesse Sng from Singapore, Ptr. Ferdinand Cunanan from the Philippines, and Pastors Kurt Skelly, Keith Taylor, and Jacob Bogard from the USA. We also had couples sing special numbers in this online platform, question and answer session for couples, and much more. The Lord truly used this event as a blessing.

Baptist Distinctive Conference

Our focus in our online ministry is to help people know more about God but also to help our Baptist brethren get back to what the Bible really teaches - what should a New Testament church look like according to the Bible. The Bible says that it is the pillar and the ground of truth and we are to know the truth in order to be one. Our Baptist distinctive conference was a week-long event that featured even more pastors who challenged us to get back to basics. We even had a theme song composed by Msnry. John Shrader. You can send us a message for the Baptist Distinctive song, we would love to point you to it.

Biblical Soteriology

One main battle during the COVID pandemic is the spread of Calvinism and its online presence. More and more young people were being convinced to be Calvinists simply because of their online presence. We believe that with proper Biblical teaching and materials available online to battle Calvinism, we will be able, by God's grace, to hinder the spread of this doctrine. We called this the Biblical Soteriology conference and it is the most watched conference we had. We had Bible study sessions and video podcasts about Calvinism leading to the conference and the preachers of the conference were able to drive home Biblical points against Calvinism.

Testing Mindset

We are encouraged by the Word of God to have a testing mindset. To try every spirit whether they be of God and that includes our own spirit. In this conference, we encouraged believers to study the Bible for themselves in order to be able to recognize and withstand heretical teaching. One of the problems we have in today's Christianity is that Christians are satisfied to have all their Bible learning through listening to the pastor every Sunday. That is not Biblical Christianity. If a pastor becomes wayward, we need to have the ability and grace to correct wrong teaching.

Online Bible Studies and Classes

We were privileged to hold online Bible studies with a few families and have a doctrine class. We saw some professions of faith during these Bible studies and we praise the Lord for using the teachers and organizers.